Aims and Scope

Gaps in Research Studies

Scientific studies are a long journey, and researchers strive to ensure that every hypothesis is tested rigorously, and every conclusion is drawn from a solid foundation of diverse data.

However, for a long time, getting access to other researchers' raw data was like trying to open a door that’s been locked for years.

For many years, many academics have had difficulty accessing the raw data they need. They spent their years pouring their heart and soul into their research for their scientific studies. In many cases, they also need research funds for their ideas and projects—late nights, endless revisions, and countless cups of coffee.

But what happens to all that raw data once your thesis is done, your articles are published, or conference papers are presented?

On the other hand, while millions of theses and articles are published every year, why can't we make effective discoveries like in the past?

Raw Data Library believes that one of the main reasons why new effective discoveries cannot be made is due to studies that repeat each other or whose parameters are adapted due to limited access to raw data.

Useful science is not a summary of millions of data points reduced to A and B and presented in a summarized table.

In published articles, the data are presented as summarized tables or graphs. This makes it difficult to reuse the data by other researchers.

Even though all the obtained results can be presented graphically, there are many other basic data used in the background that are not presented.

As a result, more than one output is obtained from a scientific study. In published articles, generally, some of the outputs are presented and discussed. In some publications, outputs are only mentioned, but no data is presented.

Many of the outputs mentioned in relevant articles cannot be presented due to page limits.

With advancements in technology and a push towards open science, it has become much easier to access raw data.

Raw Data Library is the first academic platform where you can find the raw data of previous studies and turn your data into income.

RDL provides academic incentives and supports further studies of researchers, universities, research centers, and companies.

At this point, we established the RDL, and RDL offers you the opportunity to share the raw data you obtain from your scientific studies. Raw data is needed to be used for further studies by other researchers to push the boundaries of science.

Intellectual Property Rights of Raw Data

The data presented in published studies are processed data. Raw data represents the first version or raw data file of the processed data.

Therefore, unless a published study is published with the raw data file or the rights of the raw data file are transferred in the copyright agreements,the intellectual property rights of raw data files belong to the researchers.

Nowadays, journal publishers establish different journals that focus only on data from articles published in other journals. Therefore, researchers also have the right to share their raw data or set the price.

Raw data is the labor right of researchers. The income obtained by the researcher from the previous study can shed light on humanity for future studies. For this, researchers need to be encouraged and financially supported.

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